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Monday, June 24, 2013

New Handmade Items

I added five new items at Pompom Sweets ! All of them are dust plugs. 

I really like how I made the cereals. Instead of portraying few pieces of cereal in milk, I decided to make them look like they're overflowing. Doing this would make them look fuller and more attracting (like in cereal ads!). I always aim for realism so I detailed them the best I could. I also made the bowls myself. I could have added spoons in each bowl but I was certain that if it was used daily as a dust plug, it would break off. 

Next are my cake slices. I was waiting for my dollhouse plates to come in the mail so I can make molds out of them! I think the plates came out good. I glazed it to make it resemble ceramic. What was really annoying when making these charms was the icing. When uncured, it can get very messy and sticky. Also, these are the tiniest fake cakes that I've ever made.

I love making miniatures and I'm not so sure why. The first time I knew about miniature food was when I was browsing through Etsy. I was totally attracted to them! I'm so glad that I am able to make my own foods and share my creations with others. :)

❤Nicole Vong

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